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First Time Skating

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Scrape. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.

"What is that noise?" I imagine the Pop of the mom-and-pop grocery store said.

The Mom walked over to the front window and laughed (so I conjecture).

Scrape. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.

"What is it?"

Scrape. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.

"That darling little chubby girl is skating."

"On what? Cans?"


Scrape. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.

I was probably 6 or 7 years old when I skated for the first time. With each foot snugly encased in a crushed beer can, I slowly made my way around the bend of the gravel driveway to the road and along the shoulder.  I crossed in front of the mom-and-pop store with the goal of reaching the stop sign. There I rested for a long while.  Most likely I wished I had a nickel for a candy bar or maybe a dime for a bottle of Nehi soda. Skating was more work than I thought it would be.

Up, I stood, and took off again. It was just a few yards down the side of the store to the other end of the gravel driveway and back home. With luck, the Mama may not have noticed I was gone.

Scrape. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.


  1. I love your photo and the determination of the little girl. Skating was one my greatest pleasures as a child, and cherish the day I got my first pair of real skates :)

    1. Thanks, Ida. I've only skated 2 or 3 times after that, and as an adult. I was and am not good with balancing on wheels.

  2. OMG.... yes, a lot of work on beer cans. How did you keep them on? You had quite the imagination. Ha. I remember the old skates where you hung the key around your neck on a string.

    1. Beats me how they stayed on. All I recall is I'd just step down very hard on the middle of a beer can. We lived behind the store so I had a very good source for beer cans. hahaha

  3. Skating and bike riding were two of my most favorite things to do as a child. I love those memories!

  4. In'it wonderful how kids think outside the box ... specially without parental ... erm ... consent!

    1. Gosh, yes. there was a time I vaccuumed water so the parents wouldn't know I was playing in the sprinklers again.


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