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That Effervescent Older Couple

I was in my late 20s when I first noticed that there would always be one older couple dancing their hearts out to a band playing in the middle of a mall or a hotel, or at a street fair or a farmers market. The couple would waltz, do the box step, cha-cha-cha, boogie-woogie, or just freestyle to the music.

The couple would be so full of joy that others would watch with big grins and smiles on their faces. A few people would even clap in appreciation. And, yes, there would be the few boors who would point at the older couple, laugh and make fun of them. But, then that's what boors do.

Well, here's the good news. Turns out the Husband and I have become one of those effervescent older couples.

Sam Farr 30-Day Challenge

I'm done! Yesterday was the last day. Whoo-hooo! I followed the rules as well as can be.
  1. I ate no foods made of flours or had more than 20 grams of sugar per serving.
  2. For 29 out of the 30 days, I ate no food nor drank alcohol after 7:30 PM.
  3. I worked out every day, pedaling Tilda-Hilda, the pretty pink cruiser, for a total of 303 miles and walking an altogether 6.55 miles.
Pretty darn good for this "young" old fogey.  Onward!

Today, I'm joining at  ABC Wednesday. This week is the letter "E" as in effervescent.


  1. Good for you! I only wish I could be out on the dance floor boogying away! Keep on dancing! And ignore the fools.

    abcw team

    1. When it comes to dancing, the Husband and I see no one but ourselves. :-)

  2. Susie,

    Congratulations! I am imagining you and the Husband dancing with big grins on your faces. Oh yes, you are full of joy and I am clapping in appreciation! Actually, your picture is so good, I don't even have to imagine.

  3. Replies
    1. :-) Appreciate you dropping by here, too, Roger.

  4. Dance your heart out! It is fun and wonderful to do and see. Congrats on your challenge which I know you will keep up to some degree-maybe go and have some bread or eat past 7:30 but you will still do other things I am sure

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I may have actually picked up a couple of good habits after all. I diced cantaloupe before dinner so when it came to dessert time, I had that instead of a piece of peach pie. That's for tomorrow. :-)

  5. Well what a darling couple!! I love to dance and try to ignore the negative goofs.i really need to follow your 30 day play, it would make dancing easier for sure.

    1. It's funny. This 30 day challenge was what the naturopath doc I saw last year wanted me to do, but I kept fudging things. I didn't think I could do without the "No" food for 30 days. Turns out I was ready to do without.

  6. Wow! Good for you in completing that 30 day challenge! I've got to find some kind of challenge to get me going soon. Congrats on being that effervescent it.

    1. Thank you! Hope you find the challenge to help you get over the hump. :-)

  7. You know what they like nobodies looking! I can only do that after a couple of drinks, though!

    1. I think the "who cares whose looking" comes with age. Of course, put some good old rock and roll and away we go!

  8. I LOVE it! Dance on, you sparkling, glittering, youthful pair! And I tip my cloche hat to you on accomplishing that 30-day challenge--you must feel amazing!

  9. Aws those couples are AWESOME! I love seeing them. Totally warms the heart.

    1. No doubt, you shall be one of them, too, when you get up there in age. :-)

  10. A bit of age makes things easier when it comes to peer pressure. What's to lose? Life is too short. - Margy

    1. Most certainly, as I like to think Oliver Hardy said.

  11. That's effervescent indeed :)
    May we all live life with zest & experience effervescence!
    Congrats to you for being able to stick to your rules & for dancing with hubby! You are a role-model :)
    Best wishes!

  12. Congratulations!
    I read that keeping your sugar intake under 100 calories of sugar a day will help you lose weight. Unfortunately I'm finding this almost impossible to do.

    Love the joyful drawing!


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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