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The Mama's Day

"Do you think it would depress the Mama if she saw photos of herself from her younger years?" I asked the Husband yesterday morning.

"I don't know," he said.

"Would you like it?"

"Sure. But that's me."

I would, too. But, I wasn't sure how the Mama would feel. So, I decided not to make a mosaic photo to give her for her ninety (cough third) some birthday.

You'd never guess what happened yesterday evening. The Mama asked me to find the photos of her wearing her Maria Clara dress and make big prints of them.

So, I did. She'll be surprised when she sees them because it takes forever for me to do things. She had asked me to hem her jeans on the sewing machine.  I finally did yesterday. But, the pants had sat so long on the chair that Molly the Cat took to sleeping on them.

This photo was taken in November, 1962, a few weeks after we moved into the house that she and the Daddy purchased.  She was standing in the barren backyard, which over the next 24 years became happily planted with roses, lawn, a huge vegetable garden, and fruit trees.

Happy Birthday to the Mama!

P.S. I'm hooking up with Gemma Wiseman's Monday Mellow Yellows. Please click here to go to that site.


  1. Wow she looks so beautiful. And what a grand dress.

    1. Thank you, Gemma. She looks even more beautiful today. :-)

  2. How precious to have that wonderful photo of the beautiful Mama in that gorgeous dress. Tell her she was beautiful when she was young and she still is. The father must have been so proud of her. You have a family with a good positive background.

    1. Thank you, Manzi. The Mama says thank you, too. There were a lot of dark times that our family went through when I was a kid. Only much, much later as an adult did I realize how much the two loved each other.

  3. I love old photos and just photos of memories. Your mom looks great and I LOVE the dress. It is so elegant. I always dreamed of having a traditional dress from every country. This is a more traditional dress or am i wrong? I am only thinking about the Folk Arts festival here and the sleeve reminds me of that

    1. Birgit, this is called a Maria Clara dress. I've always thought it's the butterfly wings for sleeves that makes it uniquely Filipino. But, I can be wrong about whether it's only Filipino traditional fancy dresses that have these kind of leaves.

  4. Happy birthday to Mama. She really looks lovely.

  5. Happy birthday to the Mama What a beautiful woman she is. That is such an elegant dress.

    I also take a long time doing things for my family. Whenever something needs mending, most times my daughters grow out of the clothes before I actually fix them. They are always very surprised when I do anything quickly!

    1. Thanks, Sue. After going through a few of the family albums, I realized this time around how stylish the Mama is. Also, how she can stand the classic beauty pageant pose. Kinda makes me wonder.

  6. Your mother is beautiful in the photo. Ninety-three is a grand age and it's lovely that she is unafraid to look back - and lovely of you to help her.

    1. Thank you. The Mama constantly surprises me with her strength and no-nonsenseness.

  7. What a sweet picture of your mother!

    1. Thank you. The photographer was the Older and Only Bionic Brother when he was a teenager.

  8. Gorgeous woman donned in a beautiful dress!! Happy Birthday, Mama!!

  9. Beautiful ... Our mums are beautiful!!


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