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Through a Church Door

Can you tell I'm looking through a church door? It's a small, old wooden church in my town. I've always wanted to go inside and look around, but peeping through its door is the closest I can get for now.

When I took this photo, I did not expect to get any reflections. I was totally surprised to find double reflections -- me taking the photo and a a close-up of my face and camera. The photo is a little bit spooky for me.

Want to see other photos of reflections? Come join me at Weekend Reflections.  


  1. Susie,

    I like it! Your last reflection photo inspired me to take a few of my own. I went round the house looking for reflections and I was surprised to see them everywhere!

    1. It only takes one to get you started, Sue. I look forward to seeing some of your reflection photos.

  2. Cool reflections, I love the stained glass windows..have a happy day!

    1. One of these days I'll see those windows up close. Hope your day is going well, too.

  3. Neat reflection shot, but neat interior too..I love old churches. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks, Terri. Old churches and libraries. That's what I like to visit in new places.

  4. You are surrounded by the stained glass-cool shot!

  5. Very Meta ... when the artist becomes the art becomes the artist! ... way cool! :)

  6. This is really neat! The longer I look at the photo the more reflections I see.

    1. I'm still trying to figure where all the reflections are coming from.

  7. I've rare seen a photo with so many things: a self-portrait and reflections and colorful windows and trees and... thats so cool!

  8. Wonderful picture with a creative game of reflexes!

  9. Different worlds? You've got me thinking now.


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