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Prize-Winning Flowers at the County Fair

My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs
. . .and Fingers
For a bunch of years, a long time ago, the Mama raised flowers that won various prizes at the local county fair. However, she never received the praise, glory, or, for that matter, the prizes because the flowers were not hers. They belonged to a female relative of a co-worker of the Mama's. At the time, the Mama was the supervisor of the research technicians at a seed research company. Her authentic green thumbs and fingers made every plant she touched grow happily and abundantly in the fields and the greenhouses. Everyone, from the bosses to the laborers, who worked with her knew it. Of course.

The Mama told me this story about three years ago when I was putting together my first flower arrangement entries for the county fair. (I was amazed she had kept this secret for so many years.) Every spring, the female relative of her co-worker purchased a bunch of flower seedlings and gave them to the co-worker who brought them to the Mama. She placed the seedlings in one of the company greenhouses and tended to the plants' needs, making sure they grew happily and abundantly.  Several months later, the co-worker retrieved the plants and brought them to his female relative who snipped the best blossoms and entered them into the county fair.

The female relative won lots of prizes, according to the Mama. "I never saw any ribbons," said the Mama. "No prize money at all."

You'd think the female relative of the co-worker would have at least given the Mama something.

Maybe this year, the Husband and I can convince the Mama to enter her flowers into the fair. Or, maybe, I'll just do it for her. That way when she wins, it'll be a big surprise.

Every week, I participate at ABC Wednesday, a meme created by Denise Nesbitt 16 rounds ago. Currently, it is being administered by Roger Green at Ramblin' with Roger, with the help of his ABC Wednesday friends.  Today's featured letter is the letter F. Click here to read other F posts.


  1. We have a nice fall fair in our town with lots of flower and vegetable entries. It's fun to go see what all our neighbours accomplish. My produce is edible, but not award winning for sure. - Margy

    1. l love county fairs, wandering up and down and seeing everybody's entries. So much fun and inspiration.

  2. I think you should enter the flowers on her behalf. Based on the flower shots you posted a couple of weeks ago, I believe she still has a winning green thumb. Blessings!

  3. I agree with Arnoldo! you should enter the competition on her behalf.
    Good choice for F.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

    1. I'm going to check out last year's entry book to see what the flower categories are, then I'm going to purchase seeds or seedlings for her to grow. She'll like that.

  4. Do enter the competition! As Koreans say (for good luck and do well) Fighting!

  5. I think those people were very ungrateful to her mom!

    1. I think so, too. I wonder though why the Mama continued to do it for so long.

  6. How mean of those he Mama of her prize money,
    she was so gracious in helping them in the first place.
    Some people are just plain FALLACIOUS!
    I do hope you enter her flowers in the competition, so she can win it
    Go Mama Go!

    Best wishes,

    ABCW team.

    1. typo...I meant to say 'How mean of those people to cheat the Mama'

      apolo's Di xx

    2. I understood, Di. :-) Thanks for your support.

  7. what an injustice. Not fair at all at the fair.


    1. Well the fair was fair, Rog. The people who used the Mama were plainly selfish.

  8. Why am I not surprised? People, if they can, will take credit for someone else's work. Your Mama deserves the recognition and I think you should enter her flowers. She has a special talent and it should be recognized. At least you, your hubby and we know the truth. I wish I could grow plants and not kill them

    1. With all this positive response, I'm going for it for the Mama. it turns out there are categories for geraniums and roses, both that she grows. I'm psyched!

  9. Go for it. The Mama deserves her ribbons!

  10. Gorgeous ribbons....maybe some shots of your flowers sometime?

    abcw team

  11. That is just NOT RIGHT!!! I hope you have a big win to share with her!

  12. Such a lovely thought. Will be a wonderful surprise.
    Your Mama deserves the prizes.

    The lady who entered the flowers that were tended by your Mama, should have thought for your Mama. Anyway, better late than never.
    I believe the Lord will give your Mama her deserving due :)
    God bless.


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