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A Double Rainbow

It was about 20 minutes before sunset when I heard the rain on the roof next door. "It's raining," I said, clicking away on the keyboard.

The Husband shifted in his seat behind me. "The sun is out," he said. "There must be a rainbow somewhere."

The vertical blinds rustled. "It's right outside!"

"Everyone's getting their camera. Click, click," I said as I crossed the room, thinking about the growing number of people suddenly sharing their photos of our town on a couple of local Facebook groups. I peeked through the slats. "I'm getting my camera."

The Husband followed me down the stairs and out the door. We were greeted by a brilliant rainbow.

"Look, look! Another rainbow!" I said, clicking away.

Two rainbows. A gentle rain. The sun setting. What more could we ask for?

Some  clouds cleared beneath the rainbow. "The moon!"

I'm participating in Our World Tuesday. To see what bloggers from around the world are sharing, please click here.


  1. Pretty rainbow, what a treat to see! Lovely shot! Have a happy week!

  2. Rainbow promises hope. It is so delightful to catch one unexpectedly.

    1. They're so rare in our neck of the woods these days that I'll run outdoors to see one anytime.

  3. How lovely ~ what a gift to see and photograph! Great shot!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Some instances of beauty are so perfect - and you managed to capture one of them!

    1. I took a couple shots of the second rainbow but it came out too washed out. Oh well. I got to see it though. Good enough for me. :-)

  5. I like rainbows - who doesn't - and I'm happy we live on a hill and having some rooms with a view to the valley, where we had a lot of rainbows last summer. So nice! I like your picture a lot, the tree is also great!

  6. Wow, what a moment. I love the way you captured the rainbow arches over the flowering tree. Such pretty colors!

  7. gorgeous capture of the rainbow! so beautiful.

  8. The rainbow always reminds me how wonderful people are. Most stop and just look at the rainbow and take pictures because it is so pretty and magical

    1. The Mama says the rainbow keeps us safe from too much rain.

  9. Wow -how lovely! What a gorgeous shot.

  10. You were so lucky to see that and have your camera too!

    1. Yup. I'm glad the Husband peeked out the window. :-)

  11. how wonderful the rainbow frames the blossoming tree :)

    1. It surely does. I was doubly lucky at that moment.

  12. A beautiful capture - well spotted! Pretty tree branches in the corner too.

  13. It's always fun to capture a rainbow before it's gone! Great job!


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