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Knocking Our Heads

My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic
Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers
Last week I was transplanting iris under the lemon tree for the Mama, and I kept knocking my head on the same lemon branch. You'd think I would remember after the first collision. Or, the second time. Or, even the third time. . . . Once I harvest the lemon off this particular branch, it's getting pruned.

I love the Mama's backyard. So does the Husband. The one problem we have is that when all the trees and vegetables have completely bursted forth with their leaves and fruit, we can't walk around the yard without knocking our heads on the low branches, bumping into bushes and vines, and stubbing our toes along the narrow pathways. It's not too bad for me since I'm short, but the Husband, uh-uh. There are a couple places he can walk around at full height and without him grumbling, "This place is too small!"

It goes without saying, but I will anyway, that everything about the yard is perfect for the Mama. (And Molly the Cat, who wants you to know that she is in the second photo in case you don't see her.) But, then the Mama created the backyard of a vegetable garden and mini fruit orchard. She charmed the trees to be at the perfect height for her to harvest many of the fruits.

Mischievous her though has been allowing the chayote vines to climb up a couple of the trees, which means that we often have to wait until the wind blows them down. So far, none of them have knocked anyone's head off.

Here's the Mama shuffling gracefully in her backyard of a jungle in the Summer of 2012:

It's ABC Wednesday, a meme began by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and headed today by Roger Green and his helpers. Click here to read posts around today's letter K.


  1. Thank you for the amusing post. I can see you walking around and picking fruit and bumping into branches.
    Wil, ABCW team

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Wil. I enjoyed writing it. lol!

  2. Back in when we lived in the country, our basement could be accessed only from the outdoors. I could go down the steps and walk in with no head knocking, but the rest of my family had to remember as they stepped off the last step to also lower his/her head. The only garden I have nowadays is a table one, but at least it's easy for me to weed it.

    1. You can read as you weed, Norma. Couldn't resist. :-)

  3. That pretty lemon! I love him !!

  4. That last photo captures her character rather nicely♪

  5. This reminds me to tackle my garden. If she can do it, I . . . have no excuse.

    1. May the Mama give you inspiration. Maybe you kid would like the garden work.

    2. I just offered her the yard/garden work today because she said she was bored. But nope, she is not interested. :)

  6. Your Mama's garden is definitely a beautiful haven, and a perfect place for Molly the cat to hide, since I couldn't find her. You must get a cornucopia of meals from it. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Arnoldo. The yield gets less each year. But, that's okay. The Mama enjoys being there.

  7. Lovely garden! I guess you don't mind knocking your head...

  8. Susie,

    I'm sure I would love the Mama's garden. Being short myself, I wouldn't have too much trouble walking under the branches. I can just imagine all the leaves and fruit, and the sun dappled shade... beautiful!

    1. Yes, I think you'd enjoy her garden, Sue. The Mama loves to show visitors around it.

  9. Your mama is so cute, It is wonderful how she keeps her garden going, despite her helping tno knock you and husband out each time you attempt to walk in her garden.
    I did laugh at this though ! Sorry x

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

    1. I was hoping for lots of laughs, Di. That's what I was doing by the 4th time that branch hit me on the head.

  10. I can see my hubby just take the saw to a number of the branches:) Your yard looks wonderful and Molly the cat is like Where's Waldo? :) It took me a while to find her

    1. Molly the Cat says, "Purrrrrr, Birgit." There is a tree on the other side of the yard that I did saw off branches that poked the Husband and me in our chests and faces. Shhhh, don't let the Mama know.

  11. Molly is sitting at the end of the path?

    ... Ah, the horror that is low hanging fruit!

  12. she is a fascinating woman.


    1. I like to say that in our house live a hermit, an eccentric, a free spirit, and a pussycat. Hard to say who is which though.


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