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Spring Lambs

The other day, the Husband and I visited friends in Los Altos Hills, who took us over to see the baby sheep at Hidden Villa. That's a non-profit organic farm and wilderness preserve that is open to the public, as well as offers various educational programs. The place is gorgeous. We also checked out the pigs, goats, chickens, and cows. Today, though, I'm posting photos of the sweet, darling lambs.

These darling babies were one-day-old. 

The cutie pie seemed to be asking, "Hmmm, what is this?"

This sweetie was the sole black sheep of the group. 
I'm hooking up with Camera Critters today. So, please click here to see what lovely creatures that bloggers around the world are featuring.

Camera Critters


  1. Very cute indeed - I bet you had to tear yourself away!

    1. Yup. We circled back to the babies on our way out.

  2. Oh my they are so sweet looking and I love the little black sheep:) I would want to take him home

    1. Our friend Kathy said the same thing. I wished we could've picked them up to hug.

  3. Oh, how cute! I need to find friends with baby animals to visit!

  4. It's a great time of year when the tiny lambs appear as if by magic. Don't we just love them?

  5. Oh "cutie pie" looks like a little Oreo....:)JP

  6. Oh my goodness. They are so cute!!

  7. What adorable babies!

  8. I'll just add my 'CYOOT!' along with all the others here!


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