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The Dude, The Husband -- A Patient Man

My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband
The Husband drives as I hang out the window clicking away at the scenery.

While we are walking, the Husband stops and waits nearby when I suddenly stop to take photos.

The Husband is a very patient man. I'm a fortunate wife.

By the way, should you be curious, click here to see the mural next to which the Husband is patiently posing at my request. 

Jenny Matlock

Today is the letter P at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe Thursday. Come check out other P posts with me by clicking here.


  1. Very cool graffiti of Brando! Your hubby standing there is the essence of patience!

  2. oh, what a happy story you make . . . thank you

  3. That's a really sweet story. Great that your hubby is so patient.

  4. That is Brando from the film "The Wild One". You hubby looks great leaning against that wall-the essence of cool

    1. "The Wild One" was based on an incident that happened in our town of Hollister. Every July 4 weekend, we get hundreds of bikers coming to town to pay homage to that incident.

  5. You are a lucky woman. My husband would say, in a very kind voice, "Take as long as you want." He'd mean it too. And then he'd start glancing at his watch every 15 seconds.

    The Brando mural is just too cool - and hubby's presence sets it on fire.

    1. I'm so thankful that he finds the things I'm taking photos of interesting.

  6. Hi Susie ~~ Your Hubby has to love you a bunch to get out of the car and stand there for your picture. He looks good though, does he (and/or you) ride a motorcycle. I used to and still have my license. I imagine that your motorcycle rally gets a little wild. I know the one in Sturgis, S.D, does. We were visiting another aunt there while that was going on. She always left town and spent the duration with her daughter out by the Interstate.

    I looked up your KPRC-FM to see if it is real. Well, it is. But we have KPRC (AM) AND KPRC-TV here in the Houston, Texas, area. I didn't know they let this happen, most call letters are assigned to the same people and often broadcast the same programs on AM as on the FM station.

    I think we drove north of Hollister after we saw the Orange Parade. We went to Fresno to see an Aunt of Mrs. Jim and then came on through the Napa Valley and on to Gilroy (the garlic capital) and then to San Jose and Palo Alto. I don't remember where we spent the night. After doing in San Francisco and spending the night we went back to Fresno to pick up Mema (Mrs. Jim's mom).

    What will Hubby be doing for Q and Z?
    p.s. I like your take 25 to Hollister blog.
    Sorry that I wrote a book here.

    1. Hi, Jim,
      I enjoyed reading your "book". I actually have two things for Q. Not sure which one to go with. Neither of us ride a motorcycle. I used to be a "biker's chick" hanging on the back of the bike once upon a time. I also drove a motor scooter. I tried to learn riding the motorcycle, but the shifting always tripped me up.

  7. Indeed he is a patient man ! Mr. G. prefers not to come with me and I prefere, he is not very patient, it depends for what !

    1. Sometimes I go off on my own to take photos. I always feel like something is missing in the adventure. I'm spoiled.

  8. Nice photo with beautiful colors, I like this place! Good portrait with Marlon Brando!

  9. So nice you have a patient husband. Love the photo.

  10. OMG!!! ... the resemblance is uncanny!!!

  11. Excellent choice for a P post, perfect.


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