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M is for Magical Meringue

Clang, clang, clang with my right hand.

Clang, clang, clang with my left hand.

Repeat and repeat. Then repeat again. And, again.
It always amazes me how I can get soft peaks of meringue just by beating egg whites. I'm sure there's a simple, straightforward explanation for the transformation, and maybe one day I will really want to know. Until then, I'm perfectly happy, making clang, clang noises with the egg beater against the stainless steel pan as the clear egg whites change to foam, to thicker, clingy foam, and finally to meringue. It's magic. Olé!

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  1. Hi Su-sieee! I think there are also tricks to getting the egg whites to beat up nicely, right? Like having a super cold bowl? I've only done this one time. It was like magic.
    Maui Jungalow

    1. Beats me, Courtney. Haha, a pun. I should look into it. The super cold bowl sounds like a good tip. That would mean having to decide earlier when I'm going to make meringue.

  2. I love lemon meringue pie. The lemon taste with the homemade meringue that is chilled, is so good! My mom always made the best lemon meringue pie. I think I am better at making apple pie.

    1. Yummm. Lemon meringue pie is one of my favorites. I can't eat it much anymore because my body feels like it's nearly ODing on sugar. The best lemon meringue pie I ever ate was in the middle of the Big Island of Hawaii in 1984. That's how good it was.

  3. Yummy! Where did you put the meringue on? A pie or something else delectable:)

    1. I folded it into a lemon pudding. I would've given the recipe but it's a friend's mom's and I hadn't asked her permission by the time I wrote this post.

  4. Cooking/baking is the original alchemy!

  5. Meringues are so good but I wish they didn't take so much sugar. Baking is an art form and I wish I had been interested in it when I could still eat sugar. Haha

    1. I probably use 3/4 of the amount, but it's still a lot of sugar. I'm glad I thought meringue was hard to make, as well as looked unappealing, when I was younger.


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