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The Dude, The Husband -- The Ukulele Tunic Guy

My Alphabe Thursday theme -- The Dude, The Husband

A couple of years ago, I sewed a tunic for the Husband out of a cool green ukulele print. The  Husband wears it almost everywhere. He says it keeps him cool when it's hot and warm when it cold.

I think the Dear Husband likes his ukulele tunic. What do you think?

It's Alphabe Thursday, hosted by the sweet Jenny Matlock. Today is the letter U. To check other participants, please click here.  By the way, if you're coming from the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, my H post is over here.


  1. I think it looks very nice ! No wonder that he will wear it until it falls apart !

    1. And, when it falls apart, I'll turn the tunic into something else. Maybe a bag or two. So, I say. We'll see when the time comes.

  2. I like that shirt, Susie. My travel shirt had boats but it shrank in the wash.
    Your drawing is great too. Did you or the Hubby create this? Thanks for showing it.

    1. Everyone needs a favorite shirt, no matter how old we get. That's my drawing, thanks for asking and saying it's "great".

  3. I do believe he enjoys wearing that shirt.... and probably more so because you made it for him!

    1. That was the first shirt I made for him. It still is. One of these days, I'll sew him another tunic.

  4. Love the drawing! The Dude is a fun guy!

  5. What a great shirt and it seems to suit his personality:) Love the pics and your drawing is so lovely:)

    1. Merci beaucoup, Birgit. I bought the fabric about 8 months before I finally sewed the shirt. I was planning to make it for his birthday but I didn't get to it until a couple days before Christmas. LOL

  6. What a fun post and photos! Great sense of humor!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Your sentiment is very much appreciated, Carol. :-)

  7. Delicious smiles in portrait, exquisite designs that shirt with guitars!

  8. And it pairs perfectly with any sort of hat!

  9. Yes, I can see it with a tophat. Hmmm, a lei of fresh orchids would look cool around the hat.

  10. Susie,

    That's a magnificent shirt! I love looking back through photos and noticing the clothes. It's easy to see which outfits are the favourites. I wonder how many other photos feature the Husband in his ukelele shirt!

  11. You must feel very appreciated!! :)


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