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Tomato Plants

My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic
Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers

Today, I'm showing you photos of the Mama's tomato plants.  She has one huge tomato plant growing in her squash patch. That's it in the above photo. She says the plant has two tiny fruits.

The Mama has four tomato patches in various parts of the yard. The tomatoes all started as seedlings in this box. In other words, these are the plants that did not get transplanted else where.

All the patches of transplants are quite healthy. Here's one of the patches.

Then, there's my tomato plant. This was supposed to be a pot of milkweed for the monarchs. Ha! A week ago, the wind blew the tomato plant's container on its side breaking off the branch. The Mama, fortunately, came along and stuck the branch back into the pot. The tomato plant just might make it.

It's ABC Wednesday. That's where I'm linking up today. Click here to check out other participants with me.


  1. I always love the smell of tomatoes, takes me back to my childhood and my uncle's greenhouse full of them. Like your mama he had green fingers.

    1. Thanks for sharing your sweet memory, Joy. The smell of tomatoes brings me back to childhood, too. Mine is hanging out with the Daddy as he irrigated fields of tomatoes.

  2. So great to see the garden and the wonderful tomato plants. Gardening is a favorite of growing things and having garden grown tomatoes is a bonus. Neat to see your Mama's raised beds with the wire and sticks for support. Making the most of what you have in every respect. Well done.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

    1. The Mama is a great re-user of materials. Every year, she saves the toughest pieces of apple branches for poles and "nails".

  3. How leafy those plants are! Fresh tomatoes smell so good.

    1. Hopefully, the plants will give the Mama and us a lot of fruit. What we can't eat, I'll make into freezer sauces and bag the rest for the freezer.

  4. Look at the healthy wonderful tomato plants. I am sure, with your mama's super powers she can make your plant grow

    1. I doubt I can find anyone who would bet against her making it happen. Did I say that right? lol

  5. This time of year it almost feels like plants are growing while you watch.

    1. I turn around and they're dancing the samba behind me.

  6. Your mum is an excellent gardener and the tomato plants are great! Thanks for your post. I admire your mother!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  7. I just knew The Mama would be able to fix your tomato plant, she's a magician in the garden.
    I would love to harvest some of her produce when the season is right and conjour up a special meal using the pick. I'd like aubergines (egg plants) courgettes (zucchini) tomatoes , onions, garlic,and any fresh herbs that are available.
    I would chop everything into chunks, drizzle in olive oil, season then break up a couple of buffalo mozzarella cheeses and spread them amongst the medley of vegetables... cover and bake in the oven for 40 mins, on a medium light (taking the cover off for the last 10 mins or until the top is brown and crispy). Voila!.... The Mama's Magic Garden Medley !

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

    1. Yummmmmmmmm. Di, thanks for the recipe. I am going to try it this summer. I can hardly wait for the eggplants and tomatoes to grow. The Mama has lots of chives, green onions, and Chinese celery to add. The zuchinnis and garlic I'll pick up at the farmer's market of Saturday produce stand. Maybe, I'll even make some mozzarella. I've wanted to try for a long while.

    2. Looking forward to seeing The Mama's Magic Garden Medley in the summer...Good luck with the cheese making... so clever.xx
      love Di xx

  8. Do you say to-MAY-to or to-MAH-to?! ;)

  9. Susie,

    Perhaps the Mama can adopt your tomato plant. And if she does, perhaps you can post a photo of your plant in a few weeks' so we can see the difference her magic fingers make!

    1. I think she already has. :-) I did take off the dried parts the other day so that its energy isn't depressed and can now focus on living. It looked pretty good this morning.


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