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Gilroy Garlic Festival

My Alphabe Thursday theme—Places I've Been
If you loooooooooove the taste and aroma of garlic, then the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California is for you. I finally experienced the garlic extravaganza a few years ago. As I grow older, I sometimes get overwhelmed by crowds so I don't go to as many festivals as once upon a time. I'm starting to understand the Mama's response of "I've been there before." when we ask if she'd like to go with us to nearly anywhere.

The garlic festival was fun with loads to see and buy. Lots of cooking demonstrations.  And, lots of arts, crafts, and vendors.

Best of all, this food festival had lots of food loaded with the food it features—garlic! There were the usual yummies, such as garlic bread, and the unusual—hello, garlic ice cream, which I remember as being rather delicious.

Celebrating its 37th year, the three-day festival will be July 24 to 26, 2015. It has always been in Gilroy, about an hour away from San Jose and the next town over from us. Here's the Gilroy Garlic Festival web site for information.

Uhmmmm, my imagination is already smelling the yummy aroma of garlic.

It's Alphabe Thursday with the delightful Jenny Matlock. To read what other bloggers have written about the letter G, please click here.


  1. Ha! A Garlic Guy!!! I like the garlic banner . . .

    1. The tie-dye one? That was my favorite. The Husband and I bought tie-dye t-shirts from that vendor. My first bought tie-dye, too.

  2. I love garlic! This looks like it would be a fun and delicious festival

    1. You'd have a blast then, Birgit. Keep it in mind if you're in this area.

  3. Replies
    1. I bet you and your Missus have some yummy recipes.

  4. I think I'd really enjoy that festival. Not sure about the ice cream though. It's a little far from here though.

    1. The garlic ice cream was pleasant tasting. It didn't have any of that raw garlicky taste. It must be sugar and cream that mellows the garlic taste.

  5. That must have been a lot of fun ! And then everybody smells the same :) !

  6. Oh.


    I love this festival.

    I've gone twice but it's been years!

    I think I need to go again because we think garlic is GREAT!

    Thanks for bringing back some awesome memories!

    I can smell that festival now!


    1. I was in Gilroy yesterday and could smell the yummy garlic aroma all over town from the garlic processing plant. Uhhhhhhm. I'd wear eau d'garlic.


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