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My Alphabe Thursday theme—Places I've Been

We've all traveled somewhere via our imagination. Maybe after we read or listened to a grand story, saw a wonderful movie or TV show, or heard an amazing song or sound. Until I was grounded with a serious job (translate: heavy responsibilities) in my 20s, I had a rich, vivid imagination. With each, and even more, serious job or work project, my imagination seemed to get duller and duller.

When I feel low on imagination, I visit a particular memory. And, slowly I feel my imagination edging back. 

Many years ago while visiting the Only and Older Brother and his family,  Youngest Niece asked me to make stuff out of play dough with her.

"Sorry," I said, flopped out on the couch. "My imagination isn't working today. There's nothing inside my head."

"You can borrow some of mine," the five-year-old sweetie said. She pressed her fingertips on her forehead, then pressed them on mine.

How could I not play with Youngest Niece after she loaned me her imagination?  I pinched off a piece of clay and pretended enthusiasm. After awhile I got into rolling, molding, and forming the different colors of clay into figures and buildings. Together,  Youngest Niece and I made up stories about our creations. The heaviness and tiredness I felt melted away. 

When I was getting ready to go home,  Youngest Niece ran up to me. "Wait, Auntie Susie. I need my imagination back." I bent down. She pressed her fingertips to my forehead, then pressed them on hers.

It's Alphabe Thursday with the lovely Jenny Matlock. Today's letter is I. Click here to read other participants' posts.


  1. What a sweet story with your niece ! I still have a lot of imagination ... fortunately !

    1. Thanks, Gattina. You certainly do. I love that you went on an Internet cruise.

  2. What a cute story and a lovely image to make us feel the experience.

  3. That is such a lovely story about your little niece...
    such imagination about........ IMAGINATION
    ! Great stuff Susie...
    I wonder what your niece grew up to be perhaps in a professional capacity?

    love Di xx

    1. Thanks, Di. Youngest Niece is in hospitality management. I like to think with her imagination intact. :-)

  4. Lol.. such cuteness. I loved how she asked you to give back her imagination. Kids are the best.

  5. you can imagine an ice cream cone flying to you .

  6. What a sweet story and a sweet little girl. I love that she gave some of her imagination to you. This made my day to read this

  7. When is your birthday? I am a December baby too, the 3rd! Kids say the darnest things and speak the truth. So sweet. Tell your hubby happy birthday for us. Fun to find out these great little tidbits about our blogging friends. Always a fun visit. Have a great weekend.

    1. 12 is my day, fellow Sage. Did I say the Husband was on July 15? Whoops. That's the Daddy's birthday. Because nobody read Spanish (the language of his birth certificate), we celebrated his baptismal date of the 25th instead. Hmmm, that sounds like a post to write.

  8. What a delightful and loving story ~ children and animals are so enriching to our lives!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  9. What a great story! And so fitting for a 5 year old! Thanks for coming by and have an imaginative weekend!

  10. I can relate to this :) My two nephews have loaned me so many things in similar manner

    1. That's what I love about kids. They keep our imaginations a float.

  11. Oh, oh, oh!

    What an incredibly sweet story.

    I smiled the whole time I read this.

    Just such a wonderful link for the letter I.


  12. Cool, Jenny. That's what I was hoping for from you. :-)


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