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Within Seven Years

My ABC Wednesday theme: The Mama and Her Authentic
Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers
The above photo is from seven years ago. That was the year the Mama decided it was okay to have planter boxes in her garden. She devised them herself, using loose boards, branches, and rocks.

At first, she grew vegetables in this box, but they didn't do to well. Too much shade from the miracle, apricot, and persimmon trees. I think it was four years ago, she decided to simply grow flowers in that box. "I like flowers," she said. "I want lots of flowers here." New flowers went in the box, as well as cuttings from her geraniums and daisies. I had my doubts. What was I thinking, right?

Yes, the box is full flowers. That's what it looked like this past March and April. The rear of the box is now full of geraniums.

Here's what the box looked like a few weeks ago. The Mama put up the headless scarecrow in hopes of scaring off the animals that were eating the apricots. Hasn't worked. But, I don't think she really minds too awful much. 

I'm linking up at ABC Wednesday, which was started by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and continued today by Roger, Di, Wil, and others of the ABCW team. To find other Y posts by bloggers from around the world, click here.


  1. Did you mean "miracle tree" when you wrote "Too much shade from the miracle, apricot, and persimmon trees."? Sigh, I never remember whether the ? goes inside the " " or not. If you mean miracle tree, do you mean the little fruits that make everything taste sweet, even lemons?

    1. I can never remember where the quotation marks go either. But, yup, I meant "miracle tree". I think it's a mimosa tree, but I like to call it the miracle tree. Here's a link about it --

  2. Look at the flowers! How pretty and I see aloe vera there also. Love the tree laden with fruit and love the headless scarecrow

    1. The Mama has aloe vera all around the yard. That's the apricot tree, of which the fruit are almost all ripe. I've committed myself to making an apricot pie very soon.

  3. Some lovely flowers in that YARD.. Braised.Apricots.. Al la Di
    . Braise in a large wine glass of of sparkly Prosecco wine and a drop balsamic vinegar,
    Covering the halved and stoned apricots with the wine Balsamic vinegar bake in oven for20+ mins (depending on the size of the apricots.
    When the fruit is cooked and the juice reduced sprinkle with) some brown sugar then caramelise with a flame gun... delicious... served with a dollop of crème fraice ... In fact YUM YUM!`

    Please tell the Mama that her flower beds are amazing !

    Best wishes,

    Di xxxx
    ABCW team.

    1. Ooooh, your recipe sounds delicious, Di. Thank you. I'll have to get a bottle of Prosecco to try the recipe. The Mama harvested the last of the apricots yesterday. Some are already going soft. I promised I'd bake an apricot pie over the next couple of days. Maybe today if it stays cool.

      The Mama smiles and says, "Thank you."

  4. Those flowers are colorful and beautiful.

    1. The Mama says, "Thank you." to you, too, Rajesh.


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