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Between Lovers Point and Cannery Row

My Alphabe Thursday theme—Places I've Been

Lovers Point in Pacific Grove is about 1.25 miles to the west from Cannery Row in Monterey via the Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail. It's a fun, lovely trail to take however way you choose to travel it—walking, jogging, or pedaling a two-wheeler or a four-wheel surrey bike.

Lovers Point is a popular city park and beach to both locals and tourists. It's a great place to picnic, stroll, swim, or simply sit and enjoy the amazing Monterey Bay views. When you're there, don't be surprised if you happen upon a wedding ceremony.

The Husband and I walked the trail between Lovers Point and Cannery Row with friends on New Year's Day 2014. We started from Lovers Point, where we had a picnic and remembered our friend Charlie who had passed away the previous year.

The walk back from Cannery Row was tough. My knee protested every step back. Thank goodness for the camera, which distracted me as I clicked away.

Looking east towards Cannery Row.

One year, the Husband and I rented one of these surrey bikes and pedaled from Fisherman's Wharf to Lovers Point. The Husband did most of the work since I had a hard time reaching the pedals.

This is part of a long mural that depicts the history of Pacific Grove. In the late 1870s, Pacific Grove was established as a Methodist seaside retreat. By 1910, it was incorporated as a city. Pacific Grove is also known for being one of the places on the California Central Coast where Monarch butterflies return every Fall.

Odd-shaped rocks on the beach, you say. They're resting sea lions.

Look at that rock's profile. Does it remind you of a cat?

Cannery Row. Yup, the same place that John Steinbeck wrote about when it was full of sardine canneries. Today, it's home to many, many shops and restaurants as well as the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Heading back to Lovers Point, which is just beyond that point on the horizon.

It's Alphabe Thursday with the lovely Jenny Matlock. Today's letter is L. Click here to read posts by other participants.


  1. Oh these are beautiful photos. I love the angle of the tree limbs. The first picture looks like it was painted. This time I am not seeing any pussy cat but I do see a face like the ones from Easter island

    1. Thanks, Birgit. The tree photo surprised me. I'd taken a full shot of it and when I opened it at full view, I saw the birds. It felt like Christmas. Yeah, I can see the Easter Island resemblance, too. The profile reminds me of an actor whose name escapes me. I can see his face. He played in those monster movies alongside Bela Lugosi.

    2. You must be thinking Boris Karloff.

  2. I think almost all places have this one Lover's Point. I enjoyed reading this post.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Ruby. You're right about a lover's point. Also, a lover's lane. We have one in our county.

  3. Susie,

    I'd love to run along that trail! From your photos, it looks like there are plenty of beautiful views to see. I can't carry a camera when I run, but I know I'd wish I had one as I jogged along. Perhaps I'd have to go along the trail twice. Once on my feet and a second time in one of those fun looking surrey bikes. Andy could pedal while I take photos!

    1. You'd definitely love this trail in either direction. Go west and you run around the peninsula. East is longer, going miles and miles through several towns.

  4. Lovely photos! The top one is especially striking.

    1. Thanks, Rocky Mountain Woman. :-)

    2. Thanks for the tour! I'm intrigued by the tree... I see a woman standing away from the man in the tree but reaching out to him (there's a bird on one of her arms!) and you can just see the man's face... he's right in the middle and is wearing a helmet! Vivid imagination, I know LOL! Yes, I see the cat too!

    3. Sarah Beth, I love your imagination. I can see the man and woman. Very cool.

  5. Fun to see your photos. It's been years since we've been to Monterey. That area of coast is so beautiful. We spent several vacations in Monterey and Carmel. I'd love to return!

    1. I'm fortunate in that I live 45 minutes away. Still, I don't get there as often as I'd like. Asilomar Beach is my favorite place of all.

  6. What a beautiful place and such a romantic name !

  7. I think you would enjoy Monterey and the area, Gattina.

  8. Wonderful photos! I really miss being able to go to the California coast whenever I felt like it. The southeastern coast is nice, but a little hot and humid.

  9. I especially like your first photo. Really captures this part of the coast.


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