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Happy Birthday, The Mama!

We will celebrate the Mama's 90+4 birthday by eating chicken feet, fried shrimp with heads, chow mein, sesame balls, and whatever else suits the Mama's fancy, while we watch Shirley Temple movies. And, when she says "Let's take a break," she will probably go into her garden and plant a few flowers.

I love the Mama.

I am sharing the Mama with Our World Tuesday


  1. Congrats, Mama!!


    A warm happy birthday from Germany,


  2. Oh Wow! Love the Mama too! ~ Wonderful photos and Happy Birthday to Mama xox

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. Happy Birth Day to the Mama, from Canada :)

  4. How lovely to see your mama throughout the years. Happy birthday to her!

    1. Thanks, Joyful. It was fun putting the Mama's collage together.

  5. In this world of uncertainty, it is wonderful to see your mother reach such a good age. The photos show a lovely woman blessed with strength and humour. My very best wishes go her way on her 94th year.

    1. Thank you, Penelope. I appreciate your kind words.

  6. Oh, greetings for a wonderful birthday to the Mama! 'Maligayang kaarawan!'

  7. Happy Birthday greeting to the Dear Mama, I hope she enjoyed her feast,
    and I'm sure she had a lovely day surrounded by her loved ones and her
    beloved garden...I hope she planted a special 94th Birthday plant.
    (Sorry I'm a day late).
    Di xxx

    1. Hello Di,
      And, I'm a day late in responding to you. Thank you for your greeting. The Mama appreciates it a lot. I think she had a wonderful day. One of her presents was a Shirley Temple DVD with six movies. We have more two more movies to watch. Hurrah. I think we'll get Disk 2 for Christmas. She got 4 birthday plants and has already repotted one of them. :-)

  8. I couldn't post at work for some reason and tonight I had trouble with the computer as my hubby downloaded windows 10 (ick!!). I am trying to get pictures downloaded and it freezes. Anyhoo-Happy 1 day late birthday to your Mama. She is a beauty

    1. The Mama certainly is a beauty, thank you for saying so, Birgit. I sometimes think she doesn't think so. It's never too late for birthday greetings. Hope your computer woes get better.


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