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Rancho del Oso

My Alphabe Thursday theme: Places I've Been
A couple months ago I had a hankering to be by the ocean and the Husband wanted to be in a forest, so we drove to Rancho del Oso, the western portion of Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Santa Cruz County.  The entry point is across from Waddell Beach on State Highway 1, where you can see surfers and kiteboarders having fun.

It was our first time to visit Rancho del Oso, which translates to Bear Ranch. Once upon a time, the Grizzly Bear roamed the area. Thankfully, we did not meet any bears, but we did come across jack rabbits, squirrels, butterflies, lizards, and an occasional human.

We hiked over a couple of miles, the first half going up and along a mountain side and the trip back on a nice flat fire road. Unfortunately, my left knee flamed up on the way back, so it took us longer to get back to the car. On a positive note: We got to enjoy being under the redwoods longer.

It's the letter R at Alphabe Thursday, the weekly ABC meme hosted by the lovely Jenny Matlock. To read other R posts, please click here.


  1. What a lovely place for a hike. I like that little bridge.

    1. There was also a bridge that went to no where. I suppose once-upon-a-time it went over another part of the creek.

  2. Truly the portal to heaven . . . . . so nice.

  3. My left knee is usually the culprit also! Looks like a great hike...

    1. It was a wonderful hike. The climbing part was fine. All that downhill stuff was the trouble.

  4. Oh wonderful photos of you and your mama and then with your hubby ~ Beautiful nature shots too!

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. Oh this looks so beautiful! I love hiking in the woods because it is so peaceful. I hope your knee is better. You 2 make a cute couple and boy does your husband love you! I can see that so much in this picture. (vicey-versa too:))

    1. I read what you wrote out loud to the Husband. He said, "Of course.I love my wife very much." As, I do him. :-)

  6. How magical that you both found a place you liked, even though the original likes were quite different!


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