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Warm Hearted Wednesday

Warm Hearted Wednesday is a weekly meme that reminds us to think of the joys that happen in our lives, which range from buying a new colored pencil (yes!) to celebrating an anniversary (whooo-hooo!). The meme is hosted by the delightful Jenny Matlock who started it this week. Want to join in or learn more? Please click here.

My positive thing this past week is our lawn. I live in California. For those who don't know, we're in our fourth year of a severe drought. This year, we really let the lawn go. Now and then the Husband hand watered it for about 10 minutes to appease the Mama, who loves her green lawn. But, she had to choose this year:  Either water the lawn or water her flower and vegetable gardens.

For the past three or four weeks, we've had one day of steady rain each week. Hurrah! There was enough rain to bring much of the lawn back on its own.  It's nice to see the lawn happy again, for awhile.

To read more Warm Hearted Wednesday posts, click here.


  1. Glad to hear you are having rain and a green lawn. The rain is certainly needed. I hope the rain continues.

    1. The weather guys say that we might get more rain on Monday and/or Tuesday. Knock on wood.

  2. Aw....this is a great share! An anniversary ,happiness for you! A new colored pencil, a simply but wonderful blessing. Good choices, you have a nice weekend and I love that you got rain.

  3. Glad to hear you've gotten some rain!

  4. Isn't it nice to have a green lawn. I wonder how many take that for granted. We have had unusually warm weather which will change tomorrow. It has been a high of 15C but tomorrow it will drop to 6 or 8C and then Saturday 3C and possibly snow. I hate it when it drops 20 degrees in a few hours

    1. Brrrr. Very cold and snow I like from inside, nice and warm. Some folks ripped out their lawn and planted artificial turf. I would not ever go that way.

  5. That is so neat that your lawn greened up enough for you to enjoy seeing green grass again. I just joined your blog as a new follower. Have a great day.

    1. Welcome, Ida. I hope you enjoy your visits. See ya.

  6. I know how you feel... I'm in Texas and although we certainly haven't had the drought you've had, we are still very dry and have to adhere to watering restrictions. So my lawn was looking pretty bad with large areas with no grass. Now the grass is coming back, yahoo!

    1. Hurrah for our grass coming back naturally. Our restrictions are still in place, too. I think even when the drought is over, we ought to keep the restrictions. Our county is getting larger, but our natural resources and infrastructure can't keep up.

  7. Ours was covered in frost this morning ... which means I don't have to mow it again until March 2016!!!

    1. Yay! We've been having mild frost, which is making the grass happy. And, Molly the Cat, too, since she has more grass to munch on.

  8. Colored pencils! Ah. I love those! And I've been reading about your rain! I'm so glad it greened your lawn. That is definitely something joyous! Thanks for warming my heart! XOXO


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