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Warm-hearted Rose

We've had frosty mornings for the past two weeks now. I'm pretty much used to it now. Yesterday, I noticed a rose bud waving as I was raking leaves in the backyard. Then I noticed several more here and there around the yard. They are the Mama's blooms.

Today, I'm linking up with Warm Heart Wednesday, a new meme hosted by the lovely Jenny Matlock. Click here to read joyful posts.


  1. Worth the climb! You undercover super hero you

    Warm ALOHA,


  2. What a pretty rose - great in this season.

  3. I find myself in awe of many flowers that bloom beyond the times that I think they should! What a great surprise!

    1. Our weather has been weird the past few years. Warmer longer, which I suppose is why these roses are blooming in December. I just hope that they will continue to bloom when I prune them.

  4. I reckon the Mama could grow roses in Antarctica.

  5. A beautiful photo and there is so much in this image-hope rising towards the sky. The bright pink illuminated by the surrounding green-great photo

  6. I'm really surprised that they grow in spite of the frost mornings. What a neat picture.

    1. A week before our first frost we had high temps. As I write that I would think the sudden change would've stunted the rose's growth.

  7. It is cool how some flowers survive even snow. My mom had flowers blooming after a snow storm. Well the daffodils usually come up in February in the mountains of Southern California, and they usually survive a snow storm or too. Southern California mountains have warm and cold days during winter, but it always surprises me how the daffodils tolerate it. I like the rose.

    1. Hmmm, that must be why instructions say to put bulbs in the ice box (can't spell the other word right now) for a few weeks before planting.

  8. What a delight to see! We have been hit with such cold temps and snow. I wanted to try something I found from a friend, cutting a stalk from a rose and sticking it into a potato and planting it. My friend in Tennessee who has an amazing rose garden says it saves on buying more roses. I hope it works as my daughter and her hubby have some lovely roses in their front yard. Maybe next year. God willing. Thanks for sharing and appreciate this smile today.

    1. Oooh, I want to try that. Thanks for telling me about the tip, Anne. The Mama has the gift of cutting a stalk and putting it in the ground without any fuss and it grows.

  9. Beautiful image of a beautiful flower.

  10. Magnificent photo of that beautiful rose and great post!

    Wishing you a magical week ahead,
    artmusedog and carol

    1. Thank you. And, thank you for the magical week wish. We have doctor visits this week. A wonderful week to you, too!

  11. Most roses are tough and will be fine in the spring. Will yours? We've only had roses and just one, ever, an antique. But when we moved here there a bunch of roses. They seem to be doing fine for us. All are red, knockouts and something else. I am hoping they make the winter, we've had one frost up on the car so far.

    1. They've been holding up well with the frost. I like to think they grow for the Mama. She's slowly handing the reins of care over to me. I hope the roses and other plants will grow for me, too.

  12. Hi Su-sieee ! You said you have a birthday too in December. Had to come back over and wish you a wonderful day! Hope you enjoy your special day and have all the fun you can think of too. Eat cake or chocolate cream pie or donuts, or whatever you love best! Take care.

    1. Thanks, Anne! Mine is on Saturday. I want to do so many things that I've overwhelmed myself. Now I don't know what I want to do. We shall see.

  13. What a beautiful gift!

    Such a lovely surprise!

    Thank you for sharing and warming my heart.



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