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Eden Hills' First Friday's Hunt

I'm participating in a new meme called Friday's Hunt, which is hosted by Teresa of Eden Hills. You can link up until Sunday, in case you're wondering if I know what day it is. If you'd like to join in and/or check out other participants, click here (after you read my post, I hope.)

A is for Artichokes

I'm used to seeing fields of artichokes near the coast. So, it's very strange to see them growing in our area, which is about 40 mile from the coast. I wonder if the artichokes taste any different.

Week's Favorite

Yesterday, the Husband, the Mama, Molly the Cat, and I received a trés cool gift from Cousin Kuting (which means tiny and cute in Ilocano). It's a large sturdy canvas bag perfect for everything that needs being carried. Molly the Cat sniffed it, which I take to mean that perhaps if need be she would jump into it and be smuggled into somewhere that we need to be secretive about. But, that's not the neatest part about the bag. Cousin Kuting printed a photo of the Husband and me dancing on one side of the bag. That's pretty sweet!


For the past two months, the Mama has been getting shots to build up her red blood cells because her anemia got dangerously low. It was very tough going the first six weeks. The medication took a lot out of her. She lost her appetite. She could barely walk and everything—joints and muscle pain, hearing loss, and so forth—that was physically wrong with her seemed worse. She mostly slept.

This past week was one of the best weeks for the Mama and that's cause for celebration. She looks great. Her appetite is back. She sleeps less during the day. She has more energy and is looking around for things to do. She hasn't gone outside yet—the first winter that she hasn't played in her garden every day—but that's okay. It's very cold and when it isn't, it's raining. And, she's being her normal complaining self.

Cheers for the Mama!


  1. Wonderful post and photos ~ So glad 'Mama' is doing better and love canvas bag that you got with the great photo and saying ~ Love it!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  2. Wow! That anemia is very dangerous. So glad she's doing better. That is a neat bag! I don't think I've ever seen an artichoke growing. Very cool. Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. Artichokes peeping over their leaves are funny. Of course I always see better pictures of the field when I'm in the car. It's a fun meme, Teresa. Hopefully, I'll be making the rounds tonight or tomorrow.

  3. Love the Bag, I use those kind alot.

  4. Great photos. Maybe next week I will join in on the fun. We shall see. So glad your mamma is better and cute bag. Have a great evening. :)

  5. Hurray that medicine is helping The Mama - That Canvas bag is Perfect!!! (what a great picture on the front - and, those artichoke fields along the coast would always surprise me . . and make me laugh for a few miles . . . Excellent New Year to YOU!!! -g-

    1. Not until this artichoke field popped up in our area did I realize how amusing a field of artichokes are. :-)

  6. Hello, wonderful images for the photo hunt. I've never seen a field of artichoke. I love your new canvas bag, a great gift. I am glad Mama is doing better. I wish you and Mama all the best in 2016. Happy New Year! Have a great new week ahead!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. The week has started off with a bang! You have those beautiful birds in your area and we have artichokes. lol

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. So happy to hear your Mama is doing better. My Mom was in the hospital and we were so worried. She has surprised us all and is comimg back pretty strong. The only thing we have noticed is her memory but isn't that bad for us all! Hope the new year brings your Mama even stronger and she can get out there and do her gardening which she loves so much!

    1. Hi, Jenny. Hurrah for your Mom! She and the Mama are tough old gals.

  9. Hi Susie ~~ I have never seen artichoke fields. Mom used to grow it in her Nebraska garden. She grew rhubarb too. Neither grows here in southeast Gulf Coast Texas. Thank you.
    I'm sorry about your Mom but I am glad she is getting better. I don't have anemia but my red count had gotten low once, along with sodium and maybe something else. My doctor said I was drinking too much water and 'washing' these things away. He said I should drink only 8 glasses of water including what was in my food. Doing that would do me in.
    I went on-line and researched these symptoms. Another cause can be an intake of too much caffeine. I was drinking a lot of Diet Cokes and coffee. I cut Way Back on both and switched to half-caf. My numbers came back into tolerance range again, on the low end.

    1. Good to hear that your numbers have come up, Jim. I understand that as we grow older, especially when we're on a slimmer side (which doesn't include me), we're at risk of becoming anemic. There were signs of the Mama losing blood over 20 years ago. She wouldn't do a colonoscopy to find the source. Taking that into perspective, the Mama's health in terms of her blood cells held up well. She's very stoical and questions doctors' knowledge alot, so I'm very thankful that she has let me take her to her regular doctor visits over these years.

  10. Yaaaay for the Mama! ... I've always thought artichokes are kinda triffid-ish. I wonder if that's where John Wyndham got his inspiration for them? :)

    1. I looked up John Wyndham in Wikipedia and went straight to the link on The Day of Triffids. I asked the Husband (he's the sci-fi enthusiast of us two) if he was familiar with both. He said, "The screen was black for half the movie." "Really!" "No," he said. "I'm making it up."

    2. ROFL ... The Husband is a bad man! :)

  11. So glad to see The Mama is feeling better!!!
    Thanks for dropping by and visiting me.

    1. Thank you, too. Hmmm, we sound like a vaudeville routine. LOL

  12. I have never seen a whole field of artichokes, only a couple of plants in a backyard garden! Love the bag, especially the saying and hooray for the Mama! Hubby's mom will be turning 90 in a couple of months so I know how it is to worry about them.
    From what I can find, Corning Ware started in 1950 and they always had glass lids on some of their dishes, the style of the lids and the marking on the bottom of the dish is what helps determine when it was made. It seems the larger pieces had the solid lids.
    Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again next week!

    1. A field of artichokes is an interesting sight, Candy. It's like they're smiling at you, especially if they happen to be bobbing in a good breeze. Corning Ware is something else I've taken for granted, having seen it in the Mama's kitchen most of my life. The Husband chipped one of the casseroles while washing dishes. We quickly hid it. We're still looking for a replacement. Shhhh.

  13. The artichokes and the Mama are beautiful!
    And yes, it *does* drive people crazy........ ;)
    Hugs for a glorious day!

    1. I did wonder about that quote, Mimi. I guess I haven't noticed when people are annoyed about others' happiness. Should I ever meet one, I'd be tempted to tickle him or her.

  14. LOVE the bag! I would like one too:) My mom had very low red blood cells where they almost wanted to do a transfusion. The meds made her ill so she ate Liver with tons of tomato and onions on top to kill the taste of the liver. She ate spinach and molasses since molasses has a lot of iron in it also. I am glad to hear she is feeling better. Sending hugs

    1. The hugs feel good, thank you very much. You've reminded me there's one more container of liver in the freezer. Guess what she's having today. Interestingly, she's been eating a lot of dried fish. She says it makes her feel stronger. I think the food comforts her because it reminds her of being young in the Philippines. Whatever works.

  15. Glad your mother is feeling better - definitely worth celebrating. I've never seen artichokes growing except in photos. It must be amazing to see a field of them.

    1. Thank you! If you ever go to Monterey, California, you can see fields and fields of them along highway 1 as you're heading to the city.

  16. Your mom looks great. I hope everyone can realize the power of being happy, and working in the garden. Over the years and now more than ever, I think simple things like gardening, art, photography, are more important than worrying about stuff like material wealth.

    1. The photo of the Mama was taken a few months ago. She nearly looks just as good. I don't get material wealth. It's a lot of dusting, which is merely moving dust around.

  17. Cheers for your mama!! *-* Wonderful thoughts, wonderful emotions on your whole blog, in every post or tales! and I've never seen before a field of artichokes...
    I wish you a very Happy New Year with good health and lots of joys for you and family! Warm greetings of january!


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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