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A Day with the Daffodils

"There are the Daffodils!" Bingo and Bubba darted above the dolphins. How the Byrd siblings love to visit with the triplets—Davey and her brothers Dicky and Danny—who dwell near the docks in the delta in December. 



Dicky and Danny dived out of the water in dizzy delight, nearly bumping into Bingo and Bubba.

"Watch it, guys," drawled Davey. "You don't want to dump those Byrds into the drink."

"We're practicing our disco moves," declared Dicky.

Danny divulged how they were pretending to be John Travolta.

"Delightful," said Bingo, dipping her wing in the air. "We'll join you."

The Daffodils and the Byrds danced, danced, and danced some more. When they were done, they decompressed by the docks, sipping daiquiris and discussing the Byrd siblings' updates on Charlie the Camel and Agathe the Aardvark.

As the Byrds departed home, the Daffodils called out, "Bye-bye! Thanks for a divinely dillydally of a day!"

D is the theme for week two of Round 22 of ABC Wednesday. Check it out here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. What a joyful and creation! love the dolphins with the daffodils ~ does that mean Spring is coming? LOL

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks, Carol. Because we've started a warm spell, I've been thinking it's Spring. I may have jumped the gun in the garden.

  2. LOL. I'd love to see the disco moves.

    1. Yeah, huh. The Daffodils don't like to wear disco shirts. Maybe Hawaiian shirts. hehe

  3. what a fun drawing... radiates so much pleasure

    Have a splendid ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (team ABC-W)

  4. We saw a couple of dolphins out boating today. But yours are cuter! And definitely have more personality.

  5. Heh, heh, heh ... how wonderfully alliterative! :D

  6. Disco dancing dolphins conjured up a truly comical picture in my mind. Loved it and your picture is delightful.
    dropping by from ABCW

  7. Thanks, Vicki. You can draw. I only started drawing a few years ago because I was so darn scared and anxious whenever I even considered doing any kind of art. It's freeing and so much fun.


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