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Agathe the Aardvark

After Agathe the Aardvark sipped her apple cider, she ascended the Alpine foothills, aka the Prealps.

"Adieu, Antone," Agathe said to the apple cider bar attendant as she aimlessly walked away in her red boots and red pillbox hat.

Adorable is she, Agathe the Aardvark.

So begins the first week of Round 22 of ABC Wednesday. Check it out here. Thank you much, ABCW team!

Update:  Agathe and I are also participating in the Weekend Journal Page, hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh StG. Check it out here.


  1. I love the illustration of Agathe Aardvarke. She is quite charming.

    1. Thanks, Sweetbearies! I imagine her liking to dance the can-can.

  2. Agathe is adorable and I hope she loves wandering in the Alps

    1. I asked her to send me a postcard. We shall see.

  3. Agatha is so cute with her red hat and boots, she DERSERVES to be on the "Weekend Journal Page of January 5th" (that's the title of the post) - link with a perma link i the comment:):)
    Did you get my email? Since I'm careful with putting links in comments (is your blog part of blogspot, or is it independent?) Let me know if you have trouble posting!

    1. Cool. Thanks for the invitation, Jesh. I'll do that.

  4. I like her tongue it adds energy to the image.
    Thanks for your input for "choose a title" ...have a good weekend!

    1. I appreciate the feedback about Agathe. It's the little details. :-)

  5. Agathe is very beautiful and stylish too! Love the personality you gave her!


    1. Agathe says thank you and that I have nothing to do with her personality. She said to me today that I forgot to tie her sweet ribbon around her neck. Such a gal.

  6. Wonderful animals, which I sometimes see in one of my favorite zoo's overhere...

    Have you grabbed your award jet?
    Take a look at:

    Have a splendid ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

    1. I have yet to see an aardvark in person. That would be so cool.

  7. Those PreAlps were going to wait for no aardvark

  8. Since you have already given her a personality (her hat, shoes, and drinking apple cider) you could weave a whole story around her - the Apple cider cafe, her friends, her house, etc.
    Thank you much for your link!!
    Also, for your info about your blog -now I know not to put perma links in my comments here. See you in a few days at All Seasons:)

    1. That's a wonderful thought, Jesh. I've yet to repeat a character. That would be a good challenge for me, to see if I can draw Agathe again.

  9. If you're gonna do A, aardvark is the way to go!

  10. She is soooo cuuuuttteee....I love it, and also the short writing underneath. Absolutely lovely and so enjoyable to such simple beauty and creativity.


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