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Gentle Grousing with Ghandi and Guy

Note: That's the French pronunciation of Guy, said like ghee, a kind of clarified butter.
That said, on with this week's tale for ABC Wednesday.
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"Guy, you'll tear that guide yet," said Ghandi the Gamekeeper, glancing over at Guy A. Gator the Grill Chef, who was whipping not-so-gladly through Gator Cuisine. Ghandi laid a three of hearts down on his game of solitaire.

Guy slapped his hand on a page so vehemently the gin-mill of a bar went silent for a glued second. Guy growled. Or, was it more of a groan? "Look at this!"

Ghandi leaned over the gator's shoulder and read aloud, "The Greatest Gator Gumbo!"

Ghandi grazed Guy's shoulder lightly and gingerly, so the big guy knew that the giraffe was in his corner. "Humans and their follies," said Ghandi.

The two good friends raised their glasses in the air, took a long gulp of martini, gibbered, then sighed.

"Today, a human wanted a special order of gator gumbo," grumped Guy.

"How did you set her straight?"

"I presented myself at her table, bowed, and gently stated 'Madame, I am very sorry. It is our policy to forgo the serving of alligator meat. Please choose another dish.' The waiters told me that I turned about with so much grandioso and gravitas, the customer genuflected behind me."

Ghandi guffawed and snorted while Guy grinned and guzzled more martini.

"How was your day, mi trés grand ami, with the games?" Guy asked after Ghandi's last giggle.

"The grass is no greener on my side. At least today," griped Ghandi. "Bingo and Bubba Byrd spent hours at the putting green on the mezzanine. They were gabbing and gossiping the whole time. After they left, it took forever to scrape their poop off the fake grass."

"A gamekeeper's job is never done, from rising to setting sun," toasted Guy. Ping went their glasses as they touched.

Ghandi continued his grievance, "Charlie the Camel galloped in today. Do you know him?"

"He is a gigantic consumer of our vegan gumbo," Guy gushed proudly.

"Charlie is also a ginormous pinball game fanatic. He does his best to share, but once he gets going, he bogarts the pinball machine and I hear grumbles and groans from the other animals. And, Charlie is a rambunctious gamester, gyrating like Elvis and gurgling when he wins and growling when he doesn't. He grips the machine so tightly that gashes in the wood and glass have started to appear."

"Thank goodness the only creatures waiting a turn were Filemon the Flying Squirrel and Edwina the Egret. After playing a game of Life, they gave up on Charlie and went outdoors to glide to and from between the building's gables, which they know they are not to do."

"Golly, it does sound like a lot of fun," said Guy, glowing from his second martini. He raised his glass. "As the original Ghandi said, 'Hate the sin, love the sinner.'"

"He had such a gracious way of saying things," said Ghandi the Gamekeeper, clinking his glass to Guy's. "'In a gentle way, you can shake the world.'"

G is the theme for week two of Round 22 of ABC Wednesday. Check it out here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. Fun sketches for G ~ colorful and creative!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Adam. This is the first time I looked for photos to model poses.

  3. I like your sketches and the story is so sweet...Guy must be French Canadian. I enjoyed reading this

    1. Thanks, Birgit. Guy migrated from the Louisiana bayous. I believe he has family in New Brunswick and Quebec.

  4. Creative fun... in real impossible but in fantasy anything goes ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)


  5. Raising a dirty martini toast to Guy the Gator, who has much more personality than the gators we see around here. Heck our guests would probably still be here if we'd discovered your gator instead! (On second thought, maybe that's a good thing, much as we loved having them ;>).) If anything I posted inspired you, you took the slight inspiration and ran with it and won! Such a fun story and illustrations!!!

    1. Your photo of the alligator and egret got me wondering, Sallie, thank you very much. I thought about Edwina the Egret introducing Guy to the world, but Ghandi had already showed himself and he would not be put on the back burner. These creatures have a mind of their own, and now they're outnumbering me.

  6. I knew a guy named Guy and I always thought he mispronounced his own name because it WASN'T ghee!

    1. hahahaha. I had no idea Guy is pronounced Ghee in French until the Husband told me.


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