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Iago the Iguana and the Invitation

We invite you
to jump for joy with us
on our wedding day,
Wednesday, June 27, 2018,
at the Honalee Bay Aquarium!
Winnie & Thomas

"Hey, Iago! I see you got your invitation," called Guy A. Gator to the iridescent iguana basking in the sun on the immense igneous boulder.

Iago opened one eye to watch his alligator friend indolently swagger towards him, clutching the heart-shaped invitation in his mouth.

"Going, are you?"

"Indubitably," Iago answered somewhat indifferently.

The iguana half-listened to Guy's incessant chatter. Iago yawned, idly gazing at the horizon. His eyes widened. He sat up straighter. Edwina the Egret, his imagined love, soared in the near distance.

Iago's heart beat faster as he watched the ingenious creature glide to a stop beside Guy.

"I figure since Thomas and Winnie are vegetarians, I'd grill their favorite veggies and cook them into my famous gumbo for the reception," said Guy in a tizzy.

"Oh, Guy," interrupted Edwina. "Their wedding is over three months away.

"Time flies by in an instant," said Guy. "Isn't that so, Iago?"

Iago nodded. He dared not talk. His voice might crack. Being near Edwina made him insanely nervous. And, incredibly giddy. To Iago, the irresistible egret would be his ideal companion. He thought her so intelligent, so imaginative, so intriguing, so . . . .

Iago inwardly shook himself to attention as Edwina spoke.

Fluffing her feathers with great pride, Edwina said, "Winnie has asked me to be her maid of honor."

Iago fainted. He will be Thomas' best man.

Oh, happy days! The ABC Wednesday creatures are excited to be part of Thomas and Winnie's wedding celebration. Stay tuned.

I is the theme for week two of Round 22 of ABC Wednesday. Check out the meme here and the list of this week's participants here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. LOVE the iguana and story ~ fun and creative!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks, Carol! Glad you enjoyed the story. :-)

  2. Iago in a swoon - what a wonderful image. :)

    1. :-) Thank you, Widders. The ABC creatures surprise me no end!

  3. obviously, true love and true friendship

    1. All I ask is that Edwina rejects Iago gently if she doesn't feel the same way.

  4. “ will keep us together”....that song came into my head. I hope Iago”s love from afar happens in real life. Love your artist’s rendering of the meeting.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. Imagine the heads that would turn as they walk hand in hand down the street.

  5. That is wonderful, good luck for the happy couple

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)


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