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Judge Jennifer the Jack Rabbit

Knock, knock.

"Please enter," said Judge Jennifer, hanging up her judicial gown.

"That was quite a jaded case," Agathe the Aardvark said from the doorway. "You must be exhausted. We can do our jaunt another day."

"The walk will do me good," the jack rabbit said. "Just let me get my camera and phone and I shall be ready to go. Will Filemon be joining us?"

"He'll meet us at the meadow. He said he'll jet about and try to locate the tree before we get there."

"That jocular flying squirrel," jested Jennifer. Agathe giggled, then said, "Filemon does have a way of forgetting a job once he's in flight."

The walk from the courthouse to the meadow took longer than usual, but neither friend minded the slow pace at all. Agathe snacked on ants or termites that she found while Jennifer snapped photos of jackals drilling the street with jackhammers, juvenile jaguars jumping into a jeep, a Jesuit jogging up the jailhouse steps, two jabirus juggling jet skis, and rusty jambeau lying among jonquils.

"Tell me dear, would you rather be a judge or a photographer?"

"The latter, of course," replied Jennifer, clicking away at a joyful, jabbering jaybird. "I'm so happy that Winnie and Thomas asked me to be their wedding photographer. If this goes well, I might consider early retirement and become a jungle photographer."

"Her Honor, Judge Jennifer, the Jungle Photographer," Agathe said. "That has a jolly ring to it."

"I hope we can find their tree," said Jennifer as she waved joyfully at Filemon who sat on a junky jukebox that marked the entrance to the meadow.

"Winnie says it's off the path. She says jasmine or some kind of flowery vine grows up the tree."

Jennifer nodded. "Did she tell you that Thomas carved two hearts with their initials at the base of the tree?"

"Oh, he's the perfect joey for her!" exclaimed Agathe.

"It's about time you jills got here," joked Filemon. "I found the tree! Jenn, it's just the perfect spot to take Thomas' and Winnie's wedding portrait."

"Let's go then!" Agathe and Judge Jennifer, the soon to be Jungle Photographer, took off jogging down the meadow path with Filemon flying beside them.

J is the theme for week two of Round 22 of ABC Wednesday. Check out the meme here and the list of this week's participants here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. I enjoyed the story & the illustration. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding.

    1. Cool! Thomas & Winnie send their thank you's. :-)

  2. Your drawing is so cute..I love it. They are getting excited for the wedding especially since they will make some story

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I've added oil pastels (crayons? can't recall) to my arsenal. I wonder what kind of wedding stuff the K character will bring to the table.

  3. jumping for joy with jubilation indeed just reading this jotted down post..

  4. cute combination, story and artwork, well done

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  5. Oh love the creative and colorful drawing ~ fun!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. It's going to be the wedding of the century! :)

  7. you're obviously having a LOT of fun with these!

    1. Most definitely! Without ABC Wednesday, I doubt these creatures would've found their way out of my imagination. :-)


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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