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More Garden Art

Hello Visitors from the Blogging from A to Z April 2018 Challenge. This post is for the weekly All Seasons. You can find my posts for the April Challenge here.

Sometimes it's right before I fall asleep that an idea for garden art comes to me. Other times an idea greets me when I open my eyes in the morning. Wait till you hear this! my inner voice says, as it waited patiently for me to be quiet to hear the idea.

So, today I share with you my latest two pieces for the garden. Both are items from the 1960s that belonged to the Mama. The metal peacock in the above photo was once in black, brown, and burnt gold (is that a color?), which the Only and Older Brother gifted to the Mama one year.

The lamp in the photo below was one of a pair that the Mama and the Daddy bought for our brand new house way back when. Its original color was a cross between yucky bronze and gold. I think it was supposed to be a take off on baroque style.

Now, the lamp could be a prop in a carnival. It looks too garish for indoors, but perfectly colorful for the garden. Funny how that is. Somehow I'm going to make a tray stick to the top of the lamp so that birds can eat from it. Not sure yet whether this soon-to-be bird feeder will grace the front or back yard.

I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh and her meme. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Burnt gold it is - you can name a color the way you want:):) A bird feeder is a great idea! (what about your cat though?)Many thanks for sharing your garden ideas with All Seasons! Have a lovely gardening week!

    1. I think Molly will watch from a fair distance in stealth mode. The birds will fly away before she reaches them. I'll put the feeder in the front yard. She's out there only when I am, while in the back, she's allowed to wander unsupervised for much of the day.

  2. Wow! I love your color combinations especially the peacock!

    1. Thank, Carol. I'm pleased with how the peacock turned out, especially its torso.

  3. your pics are so beautiful. A garden is a haven for creativity.

    1. Thanks, LA. Until I started gardening last year, I really had no idea how much it was.

  4. I want the peacock!! Love the way you refurbished both pieces. I have a friend who makes wonderful bird feeders from china and knickknacks she buys at yard sales and good will ... If she weren't so far away (I think they summer in Illinois) I'd send her over to finish yours!

    1. Thanks, Sallie. I've done a couple of china cup bird feeders but they kept coming off their poles. I've seen other ways which I might try sometime. My next project is a floor lamp with several poles to it.

  5. You've done them both proud and the bird feeder is an inspired idea. I don't know why one style of art is appropriate for the outdoors and the other for in. Perhaps your creativity explodes without the limits of walls and a roof.

    1. You might be on to something, Jeanna. The patio is chaotic with my "creative" tools and mess now. Fortunately the Husband and Molly the Cat do not mind.

  6. Love the peacock!
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. I love the colours of your lamp. Perfect for the garden. Have a fabulous week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

    1. Thanks, Jill. It just came to me where I want to put it. I don't know about it being a bird feeder now that I've seen two more cats wandering in the yard.

  8. I love how you colour ur everything so brightly. You are really good in colouring and you know how to use your colours. Love the peacock for sure and love that lamp! Can’t wait to see it in your garden

    1. Thanks, Birgit. Truthfully, I don't know what I'm doing. A lot is intuition. Some is painting over what I didn't like. The Husband is an artist who no longer cares to dabble, so he says, but he willingly answers my questions about colors, perspective, and all that art stuff.


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