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Pauly the Pademelon, Where are Ya?

Hello Visitors from the Blogging from A to Z April 2018 Challenge. This post is for the weekly ABC Wednesday. You can find the letter V post for the April Challenge here.

"Do you see him?" asked Iago the Iguana.

"Just Thomas and the other guys searching," said Ghandi the Giraffe. "Filemon and Bubba are passing back and forth above the woods to the south and Thomas, Charlie, and Guy are on the path to the beach. Dicky and Danny are prancing around in the water. I don't know how that's going to find Pauly."

"Do you think we should go down there?"

The giraffe shrugged as he bent to snack on the greenery beside him. "Yummm." He swallowed a mouthful of leaves. "The perfect green food for a pademelon is plainly up here." Ghandi paused and sniffed the air. "I think Pauly is hiding up here."

Iago picked at the leaves hovering near the rock on which he was perched.  "Good stuff," he mumbled.

The two friends ate in peace, forgetting their mission. Suddenly Iago sat up straight. "Did you hear that?"

"I hear lots of sounds," said Ghandi.

"It sounded like a snort followed by a snicker."

Ghandi shook his head. "Why is it so important that we find Pauly today?"

Iago scratched his side. "Thomas says Pauly reset a pearl ring for him, which he wants to give to Winnie tonight. Some predators were sniffing Pauly's home this morning so he took off hiding. I don't blame him."

"Poor dude," said Ghandi. "Come on, then, let's keep searching."

"Pauly! Pauly!" the two friends shouted. They made so much noise, they didn't hear the "Hello" in the brush behind the rock that Iago sat on.

P is the theme for this week of ABC Wednesday. Check out the meme here and the list of this week's participants here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. They must love the’s just so cute and love your drawing. I think of this as a book for children

  2. The three of them are vegetarians. Iago looks like he's wearing sunglasses. Cool. I thought I messed up there on his head. I like how that happened. When this ABC round is done, I'll assess how I can turn it into a picture book, with less words.

  3. This is such fun. I love your drawings!

  4. Hmm, a mystery. Why is Pauly really hiding? :)

  5. Oh delightful! A mystery and fun creation!

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Great story! I hope there's an animation movie made out of your entire series.
    I love the wedding card invitation too! :)
    Postal Cover For 'Rasagola in SriJagannathji's Cuisine' - Anita

  7. I can image he hid but hopefully he'll come out, knowing to b surrounded by friends is being safe.

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. Pauly finally came out. Thomas made him one of the grooms' dudes.


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