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The Painted Chair in the Meadow

Last Sunday I shared with you the chair I painted that morning. There's the final product in the meadow. You may not see it at first. That's Okay. That's my intent. I don't want the chair to be obvious. I want it to suddenly be a delight in your sight. By the way, Molly the Cat hasn't noticed it yet. I wonder what she'll do when she does.

I ended up painting details onto the chair's frame.  A hodgepodge of things to practice painting impressions of flowery vines, cat paws, flowers, and butterflies. Here's the back of the chair.

For the front of the chair, I decided to paint one subject rather than several. What do you think?

I love the way the chair looks in the meadow. The chair is too flimsy for anyone to sit on, except for Molly the Cat, so I asked the Husband to place it in a hard-to-get place. For humans, that is.

While the Husband and I stood on the sidewalk admiring the chair in the meadow, I thought the yard looks just how I've always dreamed a yard to be. The Husband says sometimes he can't remember what it looked like with just lawn.

Life is wonderful.

I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh and her meme. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh! 


  1. Uniquely Perfect . . . Triple WOW!!!

  2. Oh my goodness ... Susie ...this is good enough to sell, it is delightful! I can see you do it as a business.
    There are stores that sell unfinished furniture (where you can stain or paint the chairs yourself) -or at garage sales, but of course it's more work to have to sand and strip first. Thank you for sharing your creativity with All Seasons! Enjoy you spring-ready-garden!

    1. Really? Wow, thanks. When I was a very young thing living in the City I thought it would be fun to be a street artist. I just had no idea what to sell. Something to think about. :-)

  3. It's a beauty, Susie, the flowers along the sides and bottom give it a German flair. Beautiful colors in a dream garden. Did Molly ever discover and sit on the chair? Your kitty front is fun and made me smile.

    1. Thanks, Jeanna. :-) The flowery vines reminded the Husband of Czech influence. I just visualized vines going up and down the chair. Molly hasn't found the chair yet. I'll probably have to go work near it. She likes to check out what I'm doing, then sit just the right distance away to monitor everything. She's getting better at not running back into the house when a loud noise of a car drives by.

  4. Your meadow and chair are both gorgeous and belong together!

    1. Sweet, Carol. I realized this morning that once the poppies are done, I'll need to put in plants to fill most of the space. Perennials maybe. Or sunflowers. I have loads of seeds.

  5. Molly will love that chair!
    Beautiful flowers!

    1. Thanks,Lea. Once Molly finds it, I think it will. Then the next thing I know she'll be asking for a cushion.

  6. I love your chair in the meadow, Susieeee! :)

  7. What a lovely paint job and I think it's great to put it out in the garden.

    1. Thanks, Betty. That may be the safest place for it to be away from people wanting to sit on it. :-)

  8. It is a fairy-tale dream of a yard! I think the chair will attract the elves and brownies and fairies that I am sure live in that flowery Paradise! Wonderful.

    1. Oh, so cool, Sallie! I hope they're having lots of fun in there. Must've been why Molly was exploring and sniffing out new spots in the yard.

  9. Great cat-back! ... and yep, Molly's going to love it ... we all love it.

    1. :-) Thanks, Widders. I think the next chair with a broad back that I paint (if I do) will have flying cows on it in honor of my first grade teacher who told me to keep them on the ground.

  10. I love the chair and makes me think of doing something similar for our garden although our garden is nowhere near as beautiful as yours. I love the colours your chose and the paw prints and whiskers:) This is nice to see since you have so many flowers. We have had snow, freezing rain, rain, back to freezing rAin and snow..ughhh

    1. Thanks, Birgit. The poppies are starting to wind down. I'll cut some back so they blossom again, but I don't know yet what to replace the poppies with. I'm grateful that it's been raining at least once a week to water the meadow.

  11. I can't tell you how much I love your meadow. I wish more people would forego the grass and plant meadows ... it helps the pollinators, saves on water, and it's just so soothing to the soul. And now to the chair - AWESOME! It looked to me like the cat on the front put her pawprints on the first rung in the back ... Have a sunny week, you flower child!

    1. Thanks for the kind words. I'm having a wonderful week, Angie. I painted some branches, lol. Just painted them. And, today, I discovered an art supply store a few towns away and bought a handful of paints. Fun!

  12. I’m looking at the meadow and the chair and I want to go there. It seems the perfect place to find inspiration for my writing.

  13. oh! I love your chair hidden amongst your flower garden. Simply beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend ahead and thank you for visiting my blog this week.


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