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Where is the Cat?

Hello Visitors from the Blogging from A to Z April 2018 Challenge. This post is for the weekly All Seasons. You can find my posts for the April Challenge here.

Ayan ti pusa? Molly?

¿Donde esta el gato? Molly?

Je, paka ni wapi? Molly the Cat?

Dov'e il gatto? Molly!

'Auhea ka pipi? Mol-ly?

Ca bhfuil  an cat? Molly.

Kedi nerede? Molly.

Ou est le chat?  There she is!

Sweet Molly the Cat!

What do you want, Missus Lady? Purrrrrrrrrrr.

I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh and her meme. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh! 


  1. Replies
    1. Hunting bug prey,perhaps. Probably more like shepherding Missus Lady into the house for breakfast.

  2. She hides well -- and apparently understands a hundred different languages! I am quite impressed!!

  3. If I wouldn't have been in painting, I could have easily overlooked the fur in the shadows of the tree! You're great in photos with a puzzle in it, Susie! Many thanks for sharing this extremely intelligent cat - I'll add her Dutch: Waar is Molly, the kat?
    Many thanks for entertaining us at All Seasons, Susie:):) have a beautiful week!

    1. Oooh, I like how the phrase sounds in Dutch, Jesh. I keep my camera in my pocket when Molly and I go out in the mornings to click at sudden wonders. :-)

  4. Nice camo job, Molly! What a beautiful scene you've captured.

    1. Purrrrrrrrrrrr, says Molly. I thank you as well, Jeanna.

  5. She looks like she is ready to pounce on a grasshopper

  6. She looks like she is ready to pounce on a grasshopper...a true hunter

    1. Molly appreciates the addendum of "a true hunter", Birgit. That, the Girl is.

  7. She blends in beautifully! Lovely pics.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. "Struth! The Moggie's done a bunk!" - Aussie slang. :)

  9. NOW I know why cats have the coloring they do - camouflage!!!

    1. I didn't get that, too, until I saw Molly that morning. Live and learn. lol

  10. Great color--she was not easy to find!

    1. Sometimes I think she finds new "hiding" places to test my skill of finding her.


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