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Molly the Jumping by Golly





Molly the Cat soars at least one foot high and about 1.5 feet over the alyssum flowers blocking the path.

"Don't close the door, Missus Lady!" says the scurrying Molly. "I'm going in, too."

Soon, I'll be pulling or trimming the spent poppies, then Molly can choose to zig to the side rather than hop over the flowers.

I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh and her meme. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Who knows Molly likes to jump? It looks like you have a lot of time ahead spending in the garden (but better now, then when it's a 100 degrees!) Thank you much Susie for sharing Mollie's moves (and yours:)) with All Seasons! Enjoy your week:)

    1. I like the way she takes her time, like she's doing a mathematical formula in her head to figure the best way to jump.

  2. I am always surprised at how agile cats are!
    Pretty flowers
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Me, too, Lea. I'm glad that Molly has no desire to scale the fence, even when she sees other cats traipsing along up there.

  3. I love Molly the hunter! She has her own wild place for adventures. Love the garden with the red poppies

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I'm glad that there's a lot to entertain her indoors and out. She cracks me up when I come across her rolling around in the dirt batting at a tall weed.

  4. She's very cute, your Molly.
    Our poppies are just popping out....I love all the dots of colour they bring.

    1. Today, I picked poppy pods and cleared out a lot of spent ones in the meadow. I found the lavender plant I planted earlier this year. hahah

  5. The steely-eyed concentration of an athlete! ... jumps! ... walks away like, 'nothing to it!' :)

  6. HAHA...don't you just love when they JUMP straight UP!?...I am a first time cat owner, got Lily when she was 12 weeks and although I have not had her a yr she is not a yr old. Being I have been around dogs all my life, living with a cat is so MUCH FUN. Thanks for sharing. Jumping over from Laws of Gravity -Liz'z post where she mentioned you.

    1. It amazes me all the time. She looks more like she's levitating herself. Molly is the first four-legged friend for the Husband and me. Until she came into our lives we didn't think of ourselves as cat people. Excuse me, Molly says we aren't, we are Molly the Cat people. Thanks for dropping by Pam.

  7. So so cute and your garden is stunning! Have a great week!

  8. Yes, indeed, they have springs for legs. Tall buildings in a single bound, and all that!!! (And your garden is delightful, too.)

    1. hahaha, that makes a great image. Super Molly. No cape. She doesn't like capes.

  9. Oh, what a gorgeous companion!


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