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What Ya Doing, Buddy?

The orange cat looked down at me from his frozen perch on the neighbor's pergola.

"What are you doing up there?" I asked, pulling my camera out of my pants pocket. You never know when a photo opp appears.

The orange cat stared at me, seeming to say, "You don't see me here."

Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!

A blue jay flew from the neighbor's roof into the neighbor's tree. Oh. The cat was what that bird's problem is.  I wondered how long the cat had been up there.

Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!

"You're not going to get that bird from there," I said.

"That's what you think," said the orange cat. "Be gone now."

So, I went.

Now that the April blogging challenge is over, I'm back to my regular stuff of nothingness. Thanks, Jane Austen, Action Doll, for taking over last month. If you want to read her doings, click here.

Today, I'm hooking up with Our World Tuesday. Check it out here.  Thanks, Our World Tuesday hosts! 


  1. Red headed kitty with a purr-pose

  2. Gotta love a skywatch cat!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Glad the cat didn't have a bell. It would never get any birds that way ;)

    1. I heard the bird squawking this afternoon. Orange cat must've been back at it.

  4. We have a pair of jays at our cabin and boy can they squawk and mess up the bird feeders for the little birds. - Margy

    1. There used to be a blue jay that would nag Molly the Cat until she went indoors. Poor baby. Molly, that is.

  5. A cat has got to do what a cat has got to do!

  6. Wow, that is at the top of the ladder!

  7. Aw...Jays are too tough anyway!

  8. A great photo and a nice-looking cat, he's got lovely markings :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. Orange Cat, it seems, has no idea how handsome he is.

  9. Cats to like to get into mischief and order us about don't they?

  10. Win, win! Glad the blue jay and the cat came out of this episode with neither getting hurt. :)

  11. I love a good cat and blue jay story...
    I think I need a blog post challenge to get me going again, although I have made a couple of posts lately. I'd like to pick it up again if I can organize my life a little better!

    1. Hey Sue, good to see you. I wasn't doing regular posting for a long while. Back in October, I "forced" myself to post daily. So far, so good.

  12. Love that you speak cat! That is a fabulous photo and a story that made me smile.


  13. Always best not to interrupt cats when they're in 'stalking' mode for too long. :)

  14. Great shot of the orange cat who, I amglad to say, did not catch the blue jay

    1. If he had, he would've deserved it. That would've been one amazing jump to the tree where the blue jay was.


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