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Almost Ready

Dear Blog,

For the past…mumble…years, the Husband and I tell ourselves, “We need to paint the garage door.”  At least retouch the peeling parts, we say. Each time, I say, “Let me have a go at it first. (Meaning let me have fun to do whatever.) If we (meaning the Husband) don’t like what I do, then we’ll paint it the normal way.”

Of course the idea of painting the peeled parts of the garage door makes me gulp. I overthink it, I freeze up.  

Methinks that after this morning, I am nearly ready to go for it. While watering a couple of potted spider plants, I noticed that they’d be better off sitting high off the ground. Looking around, I saw a sturdy plastic file drawer that set upright would make a perfect plant stand. It was a bit dirty and dreary, but nothing paint would hide.


We’ll see if this is the year the garage door gets touched up.

Truly yours,
Septuagenarian Barefoot Susie


  1. It's the starting of it that's the hard part. Been there. (Not painting a garage door, but other big projects.) I wish I had a trick to get you started, but I have to gut it out myself (and there are still numerous projects that I have yet to start).


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